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Simplifying CSRD compliance:

8 steps to audit readiness

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Navigating the complexity of CSRD is no small task. But breaking the process down into manageable steps eases the burden significantly, and can reduce the size of the overall task.

This white paper outlines 8 key steps, that will put your business in a strong, confident position to comply with CSRD demands.

These steps are also intended to ensure that the CSRD reporting process adds tangible benefit to your business, beyond legislative compliance.

In this white paper, you’ll find:

  • A recap of CSRD and it’s implications for your business
  • 8 essential steps that make up a roadmap to audit readiness and compliance, including:
    • Double materiality assessments
    • ESRS gap analyses
    • Getting audited
    • And much more

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Free white paper - Simplifying CSRD compliance - 8 steps to audit readiness

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