Simplify your journey to sustainability

Optimise your ESG performance and reporting with integrated software, advisory and implementation services

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How can we help?

ESG Optimiser is an end-to end data and analytics solution, powered by IBM Envizi technology.

If your business needs to capture, report and fully understand your ESG data, we have a solution that will simplify these tasks.

Ikano Insight are specialists in sustainability data management, offering full implementation services and advanced analytics where required, to help you achieve your ESG goals.

ESG Optimiser captures, consolidates and analyses your ESG data, with built-in automated reporting, that matches all major sustainability frameworks.

Watch the video here for more.

Introduction to ESG Optimiser video introduction thumbnail

If you need to simplify any of the following tasks, then please read on:

  • Capture and consolidate multiple ESG data sources in to a single system
  • Accurately achieve complex GHG emissions calculations
  • Complete multiple sustainability reporting framework submissions
  • Deliver annual report submissions for regulatory compliance
  • Analyse your data to identify best actions and investment choices
  • Track and communicate your ESG performance
ESG Optimiser data and analytics platform v2 clear

Business Sustainability Solutions

Take a look at ESG Optimiser or choose any one of the solution modules below for a closer look.

Business Sustainability Solutions

Take a look at ESG Optimiser or choose any one of the solution modules below for a closer look.

Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions accounting and reporting

Streamline calculations for worry-free reporting.

Scope 3 GHG emissions accounting and reporting

Calculate upstream and downstream emissions quickly and accurately

ESG frameworks and reporting

Report to multiple major frameworks from one dataset

Sustainability strategy advisory service

Build the right sustainability strategy for your business, be fully compliant, and become a better business.

Utility bill data analysis

Consolidate utility bill data across your portfolio.

Health & wellbeing tracking

Gain deeper insights into co-worker and employee health and wellbeing.

Sustainability implementation and support service

Choose the right support level for your business, and we’ll deploy your ESG platform swiftly and effectively.

ESG goals & sustainability dashboards

Visualise sustainability data in one place for stakeholders and team members

Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions accounting and reporting

Streamline calculations for worry-free reporting.

Scope 3 GHG emissions accounting and reporting

Calculate upstream and downstream emissions quickly and accurately

ESG frameworks and reporting

Report to multiple major frameworks from one dataset

Sustainability strategy advisory service

Build the right sustainability strategy for your business, be fully compliant, and become a better business.

Utility bill data analysis

Consolidate utility bill data across your portfolio.

Health & wellbeing tracking

Gain deeper insights into co-worker and employee health and wellbeing.

Sustainability implementation and support service

Choose the right support level for your business, and we’ll deploy your ESG platform swiftly and effectively.

ESG goals & sustainability dashboards

Visualise sustainability data in one place for stakeholders and team members

Retail Solutions

With over 15 years experience in the retail sector, Ikano Insight also helps retail brands use innovative data and advanced analytics, to optimise customer experiences, and grow customer value and market share.

Retail Solutions

With over 15 years experience in the retail sector, Ikano Insight also helps retail brands use innovative data and advanced analytics, to optimise customer experiences, and grow customer value and market share.

Location analytics

Identify and track competitor customers, map retail catchment areas, and directly target market share growth.

Customer analytics

Communicate with your target customers based upon their behaviour, life-stage, demographics and preferences.

Marketing analytics

Target the value potential in your customer base, and take action to maintain growth and stem decline

Price modelling

Predict how receptive your customers will be to offers and price changes.

Product analytics

Improve cross-selling and upselling, with personalised product offers for every customer.

Retail location planning

Plan new store locations based on actual customer movement and competitor analysis.

Location analytics

Identify and track competitor customers, map retail catchment areas, and directly target market share growth.

Customer analytics

Communicate with your target customers based upon their behaviour, life-stage, demographics and preferences.

Marketing analytics

Target the value potential in your customer base, and take action to maintain growth and stem decline

Price modelling

Predict how receptive your customers will be to offers and price changes.

Product analytics

Improve cross-selling and upselling, with personalised product offers for every customer.

Retail location planning

Plan new store locations based on actual customer movement and competitor analysis.

What we do

The power of advanced analytics

We empower businesses to make faster, better decisions to build a sustainable future, grow customer value and market share.

We simplify data for business users, extracting insights and putting the value in your hands to drive immediate action.

We deliver solutions that help you create a sustainable business for your future, your people and the planet.

Discover more about who we are and what drives us

Our work

Client stories which highlight the power of data integration and analysis, coupled with business intelligence solutions, to deliver optimised CRM and loyalty communications that deliver business growth.

Sustainability solutions

Sustainability data dashboards in retail

IKEA have big ambitions for 2030, already totally committed to doing their part to tackle climate change, unsustainable consumption, and inequality.

They are delivering sustainable solutions, ensuring positive change for people and the planet by “Making life at home a little more sustainable. Everyday”.

And just like all other companies, the success of their strategy is reliant upon access to accurate, up-to-date data, to measure their current performance and to make the right decisions that ensure even better future performance.

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Retail solutions

Location Optimiser analysis reveals new audiences for concept store

Whilst IKEA already possessed extensive customer data within their Family loyalty programme, they now needed to understand the potential of new audiences, and how to directly access them.

Quite simply, IKEA needed to rapidly visualise customer location behaviour, integrated with multiple additional sources of customer profiling data, and customer shopping or transactional data. All in an easy to consume format, that would surface insights quickly, and facilitate positive business decisions.​

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Retail solutions

End to end data transformation for southeast Asia’s biggest furniture retailer

With 5 shopping centres and 12 IKEA stores across Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand, plus one more in Mexico, Ikano Retail collects, stores and analyses enormous amounts of data from multiple locations and departments every day.

As the data analytics and business intelligence partner to Ikano Retail, Ikano Insight executed the data warehouse and dashboard capability of their business-wide data transformation strategy named “Data to Insight” (D2i).

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Retail solutions

RFV modelling in retail achieves 9:1 ROI on email communications

Maximising customer engagement and value requires constant communication with customers, and IKEA are experts in this field.

RFV modelling was applied to the base to enable a segmented offer strategy deployed through email and MMS.

The RFV model was then overlayed with a recommendation engine to determine the optimum offer for each value based customer segment.

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Having this kind of information at our fingertips enables us to see where we are, keep us on track and share sustainability stories with concrete data.
By working with Ikano Insight to analyse Family data, and further profiling data with the Location Optimiser tool, we learned more about our consumer demographic and shopping behaviour.
We are very happy to make a first step in putting data in people’s hands, bringing it closer to both our co-workers and customers.
The RFV analysis determines which channels and campaigns bring the most and highest value customers, to drive sales and ultimately improve customers response rate.
Information at our fingertips

Having this kind of information at our fingertips enables us to see where we are, keep us on track and share sustainability stories with concrete data.

Corinna Schuler | Sustainability & Corporate Communication Manager

Consumer demographics and behaviour

By working with Ikano Insight to analyse Family data, and further profiling data with the Location Optimiser tool, we learned more about our consumer demographic and shopping behaviour.

Nigel Richardson | Inspiration & Communication Manager

Putting data in people’s hands

We are very happy to make a first step in putting data in people’s hands, bringing it closer to both our co-workers and customers.

Koen Besteman | Chief Digital Officer

A real sales driver

The RFV analysis determines which channels and campaigns bring the most and highest value customers, to drive sales and ultimately improve customers response rate.

Angelica Sanchez | Customer Engagement & Loyalty Manager

Would you like to see how ESG Optimiser – our fully integrated ESG data and analytics platform works?

Book a 30 minute demo, and chat with an ESG data expert

Or get in touch for a chat

Talk with our experts at a time that suits you, to explore how advanced analytics can change your business.

Drop us a line, leave a message, or fill in the form. Whatever you prefer. We’re here to help.


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