Sustainability solutions

IBM Envizi ESG Suite

Licensing and fully supported implementation from Ikano Insight

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IBM Envizi

IBM Envizi is a business sustainability solution that simplifies the capture, measurement, reporting and analysis of your ESG and business sustainability data.

It consists of software and services which work together to:

  • Establish a platform for your business sustainability success by auditing your current position and performance, and guiding your strategy creation that will achieve your objectives
  • Build a data foundation by automating the collection and consolidation of ESG data types into a single system of auditable, financial-grade data
  • Streamline reporting and disclosures with a powerful emissions calculation engine and flexible reporting tools to meet strict external and internal requirements
  • Accelerate decarbonisation by identifying energy and emissions savings, driving engagement within your business and tracking progress at every stage of your journey
  • Future proof your business with advanced analytics that enable forecasting and scenario planning, driving cost-effective business action to stay ahead of stakeholder demands
IBM Envizi ESG Suite from Ikano Insight graphic

Fully integrated multi-functional platform

The platform is configured from a choice of 10 in-built modules which enable sustainability measurement, emissions tracking and ESG reporting compliance, to enable your decarbonisation goals and manage your programme performance.

Click the image here to expand a full view of all modules and tools.

Included with the platform is a complete implementation and ongoing support service. Ikano Insight also offers a range of ESG consultancy services, and advanced analytics and optimisation services.

Click here to book a demo, and chat about your business needs.

Explore the Envizi platform modules

For full details click on each module below:

Emissions management software modules

ESG reporting software modules

Decarbonisation software modules

Envizi implementation

As an IBM partner, Ikano Insight offers a full implementation service, plus ongoing support services as required. Click below for full details:

Would you like to see how the IBM Envizi – fully integrated ESG data and analytics platform works?

Book a 30 minute demo, and chat with an ESG data expert:

IBM is a world leader in ESG and sustainability software, so you can be sure you are in safe hands. Ikano Insight is a Silver Partner in the IBM Partner Plus programme, chosen for our advanced analytics expertise and sustainability credentials. We provide the tools and resources to simplify your sustainability journey.


Sustainability success

Sustainability solutions

Ikano deploys IBM Envizi for IKEA Southeast Asia

Sustainability platform implemented across global Ikano Group companies

Ikano deploys IBM Envizi for IKEA Southeast Asia

Sustainability is a fundamental driver of business strategy for IKEA and Ikano Group, with challenging environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets already set.

Their complexity of operational variations, data sources and reporting considerations requires a comprehensive approach, and IKEA and Ikano’s commitment to transparency and granular reporting demands a solution that provides detailed, audit-ready data across the full range of ESG parameters.

Ikano Insight conquers these challenges with a combination of consulting, software and implementation services, deploying IBM® Envizi™ ESG Suite.

The biggest impact of the IBM Envizi platform implementation by Ikano Insight for all the Group businesses has been the simplification of complex data capture and reporting, allowing individual companies to focus on taking crucial action.

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Frequently asked questions

What is business sustainability?

Business sustainability refers to the practice of conducting business operations in a manner that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves considering economic, environmental, and social factors in decision-making to achieve long-term success while minimising negative impacts on the planet and society. And crucially it now also involves complying with legislative reporting requirements as governments world-wide set targets for businesses who trade within their national borders.

What are some common sustainability challenges businesses face?

Businesses may encounter challenges such as managing waste and emissions, reducing energy consumption, sourcing sustainable materials, promoting fair labour practices, addressing social inequalities, meeting sustainability reporting requirements, and integrating sustainability principles across the entire value chain

What are some effective strategies for improving business sustainability?

Adopting renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies to reduce carbon emissions.

Implementing circular economy principles to minimise waste and promote recycling.

Engaging with suppliers to ensure sustainable sourcing of raw materials.

Investing in employee training and well-being to enhance social sustainability.

Supporting community initiatives and philanthropy to address local needs.

Embracing eco-friendly packaging and sustainable product design.

Integrating sustainability into corporate governance and decision-making processes.

What role does technology play in business sustainability?

Technology plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability solutions. Businesses can leverage data analytics to monitor and optimise their resource usage, use Internet of Things (IoT) devices to track energy consumption, employ artificial intelligence for supply chain optimisation, and utilise blockchain for transparent sourcing. Technology enables businesses to make informed decisions and drive sustainability innovations.

What are some examples of businesses successfully implementing sustainability solutions?

Several businesses have excelled in sustainability, like Patagonia, known for its environmental activism and eco-friendly products, Unilever for its sustainable sourcing and waste reduction efforts, and IKEA for its commitment to renewable energy and circular economy practices.

These examples demonstrate that sustainability can drive business success while benefiting society and the planet.

Remember that business sustainability is an evolving field, and new challenges and solutions may arise over time. Stay informed, adapt, and continue seeking innovative ways to make a positive impact on the environment and society while ensuring the long-term success of your business.

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Let’s chat!

If you’d like to chat with us to see how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals, including measurement, reporting and compliance, just pick a time that suits you in Peter’s calendar.

Peter Jones

Sustainability discussion

Chat with Head of Sustainability Peter Jones, about your sustainability requirements, at a time that suits you. And see the platform for yourself in a quick demo.


Online web chat

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Review your sustainability objectives, challenges and see which platform modules would match your needs.

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Let’s chat!

If you’d like to chat with us to see how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals, including measurement, reporting and compliance, just pick a time that suits you in Peter’s calendar.

Review your sustainability objectives, challenges and see which platform modules would match your needs.

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Our latest sustainability thinking

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